Finding a Summer Research Position or Internship
Doing undergrad research or an internship is a great way to learn what you like, so you can make decisions about your future based on experience. In addition, research experience and internships can help you find a job after graduation. And research experience is vital to making STEM graduate school applications competitive.
For summer positions, you should start looking around in November or December. Applications start coming due right away in January. To get a letter of reference from a faculty member, you should ask at least a month ahead. If you find a position that is unpaid, you can apply for funding through the CC Career Center.
There are several ways to find a summer research position:
research with a CC faculty member
Read about our faculty's research interests. Feel free to talk with faculty members about their research so they know you are interested. Then there are two ways to do research with a faculty member.
First, you can do a research block during the academic year. These blocks are announced on the Physics Department email list (sign up with Courtney Kujawa).
Second, you can do research in the summer. In February each year, an application for summer research positions is sent out on our department email list.
Internet Searches
Find a position by searching for companies, agencies, and fields you are interested in.Â
For example, in astronomy here are some opportunities:
Use a job search board, especially one dedicated to science jobs.
Look at REU Positions
REU stands for Research Experience for Undergraduates. Universities and colleges from all over the country host REU sites in all kinds of fields. The positions are typically for ten weeks and pay a stipend plus housing. The Physics Department holds an REU application workshop in December. Applications are due in January and February. Peruse available positions in various fields by clicking the buttons below.
Read the Physics Department emails
We send out research and internship opportunities all the time on our department email list. Email Courtney Kujawa if you want to be added to the Physics Department email list.